The main goal of the extraordinary administration is reaching a settlement with respect to all the creditors. In this section you may find more detail on the structure and the summary of key aspects of the settlement, additional clarifications and different service information, as well as information on the rights and obligations of each of the creditors.

Agrokor’s Companies to Get New Names in the New Year
With the execution at the Commercial Court of Zagreb it has become official that all future mirror companies of the Agrokor Group other than Agrokor d.d, which were so far registered as companies under generic names, have with the last day of the year got new names. The new names of the companies, that will…
Creditors of fully or partly challenged claims are urged to provide proof by 15 January 2019 to the Extraordinary Commissioner as to whether they have within the allowed statutory deadline initiated or continued civil proceedings to establish their challenged claim against the company Agrokor d.d. or any of its subsidiary or affiliated companies subject to…
Agrokor Extraordinary Administration Procedure Fully Recognized in Chapter 15 proceedings in the USA
The US Bancruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York issued its written opinion in Chapter 15 proceedings (cross-border insolvency proceedings) whereby it confirmed its recognition of the EA Proceedings and the Settlement Plan in the US with respect to Agrokor and its affiliated companies. In its opinion the Court approved Agrokor’s recognition petition…
High Commercial Court Confirms Creditors’ Settlement Plan for Agrokor
The High Commercial Court of Zagreb through its Council consisting of judges Branka Vučaj, Chairwoman of the Council, Dubravka Zubović, Judge Rapporteur and Nevenka Marković, Member of the Council in the Extraordinary Administration Procedure over the debtor Agrokor and its subsidiary and affiliated companies passed a ruling whereby they refused and dismissed all appeals lodged…
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO AGROKOR’S IMPAIRED CREDITORS: Instructions to receive the New Instruments
We make reference to the Settlement Plan of Agrokor d.d. et al as confirmed by the Commercial Court of Zagreb on 6 July 2018. In order to receive the New Instruments in accordance with the Settlement Plan, all Impaired Creditors who are entitled to receive the New Instruments under the Settlement Plan must validly complete…
Agrokor responded to complaints on the Settlement
Agrokor submitted on 4 September 2018 to the Commercial Court of Zagreb a response to appeals lodged against the order confirming the Settlement Plan of 6 July 2018. Following the principle of efficiency and in order to avoid unnecessary repetitions, Agrokor decided to respond to all 92 complaints with one submission which the Commercial Court…
The Court Ruling confirming the settlement plan
The Court Ruling confirming the settlement plan can be found on the e-bulletin board of the Commercial Court of Zagreb (in Croatian only):
Minutes of the Voting Hearing on the Settlement Plan
Minutes of the Voting Hearing on the Settlement Plan of Agrokor creditors held on 4 July 2018 can be found on the e-bulletin board of the Commercial Court of Zagreb (in Croatian only):
Settlement Plan of Agrokor’s Creditors Voted in Favor by 80.20 per cent of Total Claims
The Settlement Plan between the creditors of Agrokor has been voted in favor by 80.20 per cent of total claims, ie. HRK 27,075,097,019.27 out of HRK 33,759,582,335.23 of total claims. The Settlement Plan received the affirmative vote at the Settlement Plan voting hearing held on 4 July, 2018 at the Dražen Petrović Basketball Center –…
First Stage of Voting at the Agrokor Settlement Plan Hearing Completed
The first stage of voting at the Agrokor creditors’ Settlement Plan voting hearing, related to granting voting rights to present creditors of challenged claims, is completed. Voting rights were granted to present creditors of challenged claims holding HRK 8,433,348,110 of claims. Upon completion of the first stage of voting the Court declared the voting on…