The main goal of the extraordinary administration is reaching a settlement with respect to all the creditors. In this section you may find more detail on the structure and the summary of key aspects of the settlement, additional clarifications and different service information, as well as information on the rights and obligations of each of the creditors.

All Business Sectors of Agrokor Record Growing Revenue and Profits
Agrokor Monthly Report February 2019 Agrokor Group to Become Fortenova Group as of 1 April 2019 The Extraordinary Administration’s monthly report related to the period from 11 February to 10 March 2019 was published today, providing an update of the economic and financial situation in the Agrokor Group and reporting on the operating activities of…
Notice to Noteholders Regarding Public Announcement Date
To the attention of noteholders in respect of the (a) EUR 325 million 9.125% New York law governed senior notes due to mature in 2020 (ISINs: XS0836495183 / XS0836495696), (b) USD 300 million 8.875% New York law governed senior notes due to mature in 2020 (ISINs: USX0027KAG32 / US00855UAB52, CUSIPs: X0027KAG3 / 00855UAB5) and (c)…
Public Announcement of the Implementation Commencement Date
Pursuant to the resolution of the Commercial Court of Zagreb of 1 March 2019 (case no. St-1138/17) and Cl. 17.1 of the Settlement Plan, the Extraordinary Administrator of the debtor Agrokor d.d. pronounces 1 April 2019 as the Implementation Commencement Date on which implementation of the restructuring measures and the settlement steps envisaged by the…
SPFA Amendment and Scheme of Arrangement update
SPFA Amendment and Scheme of Arrangement update Izmjene i dopune Ugovora o najstarijem kreditu i Sporazum između dužnika i vjerovnika
Interim Creditors’ Council of Agrokor d.d. decide for Fortenova Group to become operative April 1st, 2019
At the session held on February 28, 2019 the Interim Creditors’ Council of Agrokor d.d. approved the proposal of the Extraordinary Commissioner and decided to suggest to the Commercial Court of Zagreb to determine for the Public Announcement Date to be March 1st 2019, to set the Implementation Commencement Date on April 1, 2019 and…
Agrokor Group Operations Marked by Final Preparations for the Settlement Plan Implementation
Agrokor Monthly report January 2019 The Agrokor Group has published its monthly report on the operations of 16 companies covering the period from 11 January to 10 February 2019. The companies’ financial results for the year ended as at 31 December 2018 are subject to a statutory audit obligation, with the audited results expected to…
SPFA Amendment and Scheme of arrangement update
SPFA amendment and Scheme update Izmjene Ugovora o najstarijem kreditu i novosti o Sporazumu između dužnika i vjerovnika
Revisions do not Affect Settlement Plan Implementation
“Revision is an extrordinary legal remedy against court decisions. In the Extraordinary Administration Procedure no regular revision can be filed, but only an extraordinary one, which means that it can only be filed because of a matter of substantive or procedural law which is important to secure the uniform application of law and the equality…
Procedure of Appointing the Mirror Company Management Boards / Managing Directors Starts
With the process of registering the new names of the future Agrokor Group mirror companies having been completed, the procedure of appointing the Management Boards/ Managing Directors of the new companies has started at the Commercial Court of Zagreb. The Management Boards and Managing Directors of the mirror companies shall at most of them remain…
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF AGROKOR’S SENIOR NOTES: Instructions for Noteholders to enable receipt of the New Instruments
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF AGROKOR’S SENIOR NOTES: Instructions for Noteholders to enable receipt of the New Instruments We make reference to the Settlement Plan of Agrokor d.d. et al as confirmed by the Commercial Court of Zagreb on 6 July 2018. All Noteholders (as defined below) who wish to be cleared to receive the…